"g-kgg-kooo-kggkooo-kggkkoo" 2003 enamel on aluminum

"Bb-AAghch!" 2003 enamel on aluminum
Ingrid Calame's boldly colored compositions are derived from stains and graffiti that she traces from city streets and sidewalks. I find her work interesting and unique. Her color uses is spectacular and I really like the abstract shapes she configures, and the combinations of colors is very striking. Here are two works of hers I like a lot. "Bb-AAghch!" is a painting I love! The blues and greens, the washed out white, that reminds me of snow, is great. I have never painted on aluminum before, and I can't recall ever using enamel in my work, but the effect is really nice, it looks very flat, reminds me something like Matisse.
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