Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The New Museum

Probably, the only thing I liked about my adventure to the New museum, was the 40 block walk there, (sarcasm), and then the Irish bar we stopped at because we got there before the museum opened. Oh, and the child size spider man umbrella I took out of the trash since it was down pouring.
The design of the building itself was pretty cool, the inside not so much. I started on the 5Th floor and the German video with English and Chinese subtitles or something was making me fall asleep. The only thing about the 5th floor show was the view out the window and the color of the room.
The fourth floor, Intersections Interested: The photography of David Goldbalt, was okay. I felt the message(s) or the pattern(s), whatever, was too obvious and repetitive. I didn't find it really interesting, and if it's photography, then I don't think it should just be fields and trees, with bridges, and the only pattern was black and white, then color, black and white...then color. And through time, older, and newer. It was boring and draining.
Now, Emory Douglas with his Black Panther prints, were just bam! in your face! I didn't really care about about seeing the rest of the show, after I had stared at the big blue wall sized mural with a black panther kid across it when you walk in from the elevator. Hello, I got it. Over and done, moving on now.
Probably the most interesting part of this visit to the New Museum was located on the ground level with work by Dorthy Ionnene. Lioness, which derived from Deiter Roth's pet name for the artist, was a show that had a lot of sexuality and was the most intriguing show in the Museum. Her works were in first point perspective and had a great quality of freedom of expression. They subjected to a severe censorship. The pieces, "I am whoever you want me to be," and "I love to beat you," were my favorites. The images were straight forward and cliche and by the way, huge vaginas. Despite the gross sexual content of this artist, it made me laugh, both the orgasm video and the paintings, but it still made me feel like my 8 bucks wasn't worth it!

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